


The Art of Standing Out in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
1. Aufl.

von: Pascal Bornet

19,99 €

Verlag: Wiley
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 05.09.2024
ISBN/EAN: 9781394264414
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 304

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<p><b>Pascal Bornet, an award-winning AI expert, former McKinsey executive, and Top Voice in Technology with over 1 million LinkedIn followers, unveils the ultimate guide for working, living, and leading organizations in a rapidly changing, AI-driven world.</b></p> <p>With over 20 years of pioneering research at the human-AI intersection, Bornet reveals the secrets to living in harmony with AI while cultivating uniquely human qualities. He introduces the Three Competencies of the Future that we need to develop urgently to thrive in our new world.</p> <p>In IRREPLACEABLE, you will discover:</p> <ul> <li>Techniques to boost your career using AI—without losing your job to automation</li> <li>Secrets to unlocking your uniquely human abilities—ones AI can NEVER replicate</li> <li>Counterintuitive methods to raise Future-ready children</li> <li>Strategies to avoid falling into the "AI Obesity" trap</li> <li>Blueprints for leveraging AI to turn your company into an unstoppable force of innovation</li> </ul> <p><br />Whether you're an individual looking to future-proof your career, a parent aiming to raise future-proof children, or a business leader eager to steer your organization through technological disruption, <i>IRREPLACEABLE</i> offers a universal and comprehensive framework.</p> <p>AI is not the destination; it's the vehicle that takes us to a more human future, and this book is your GPS.</p> <p>Stand out. Become IRREPLACEABLE.</p>
<p>Preface xiii</p> <p><b>Introduction 1</b></p> <p>You Have a Choice to Make 1</p> <p>Your IRREPLACEABLE Journey 3</p> <p>How This Book Is Organized 4</p> <p><b>Part I The IRREPLACEABLE Imperative 7</b></p> <p><b>Chapter 1 Don’t Believe All You Hear About AI! 9</b></p> <p>Adapting to AI’s Influence 9</p> <p>The Specificities of AI 14</p> <p>AI in Society and Business 18</p> <p>The Future with AI: Our Kids and Our Humanity 21</p> <p><b>Chapter 2 The Essence of Being IRREPLACEABLE 25</b></p> <p>Introducing the IRREPLACEABLE Concept 25</p> <p>Decoding the IRREPLACEABLE Concept 28</p> <p>The IRREPLACEABLE Concept for Companies 29</p> <p><b>Chapter 3 The Urgency to Become IRREPLACEABLE 33</b></p> <p>Projecting into an AI-Dominated Future 33</p> <p>IRREPLACEABLE versus Replaceable: A Detailed Analysis 35</p> <p>Our IRREPLACEABLE Humanity 39</p> <p>The IRREPLACEABLE Framework 45</p> <p><b>Part II Building IRREPLACEABLE Skills 51</b></p> <p><b>Chapter 4 Preparing for the AI Takeover 53</b></p> <p>How AI Will Take Away Your Job 53</p> <p>Shift Your Focus from Jobs to Skills 56</p> <p><b>Chapter 5 Creating a Symbiosis with AI 59</b></p> <p>Breaking Misconceptions About Technical Skills 60</p> <p>Building a Symbiosis with AI 64</p> <p>Identifying the Capabilities Complementary to AI 67</p> <p>How the Humics Boost Each Other 71</p> <p><b>Chapter 6 Leveraging the Humics to Build Skills 73</b></p> <p>Prioritizing the Development of the Humics Over Skills 73</p> <p>Future Evolution of Skills 75</p> <p>Building New Skills by Leveraging Your Humics 75</p> <p><b>Chapter 7 Bringing Your Humics to a Whole New Level 87</b></p> <p>Become Ultra-Creative 87</p> <p>Sharpen Your Critical Thinking 92</p> <p>Deepen Your Social Abilities 95</p> <p><b>Part III Becoming IRREPLACEABLE at Work 99</b></p> <p><b>Chapter 8 Augmenting Yourself with AI at Work 101</b></p> <p>A Three-Phase Approach to Augment Yourself with AI 101</p> <p>Phase 1: Build an AI Mindset 102</p> <p>Phase 2: Maintain AI Literacy 106</p> <p>Phase 3: Strategically Implement AI 108</p> <p><b>Chapter 9 Fostering Resilience and Adaptability in a Rapidly Evolving World 121</b></p> <p>The Imperative of Resilience and Adaptability 121</p> <p>The Art of Building Resilience 123</p> <p>The Craft of Enhancing Adaptability 127</p> <p><b>Chapter 10 The Future of Work Is…No Work? 133</b></p> <p>Work Reimagined: Beyond the 9 to 5 133</p> <p>The Current World of Work Sucks! 135</p> <p>Envisioning a World Without Work 137</p> <p><b>Part IV Raising IRREPLACEABLE Kids and Protecting Yourself 141</b></p> <p><b>Chapter 11 Educating Future-Proof Minds in the Age of AI 143</b></p> <p>Raising Children to Thrive with AI 143</p> <p>Teaching Our Kids How to Relearn 147</p> <p>Helping Our Kids to Grow with AI 151</p> <p><b>Chapter 12 Navigating AI Distractions 155</b></p> <p>The Rise of AI-Induced Distractions 155</p> <p>The Roots of AI Distractions 157</p> <p>Strategies to Mitigate AI Distractions 159</p> <p><b>Chapter 13 Overcoming AI-Generated Addictions 163</b></p> <p>The Addiction Matrix: AI, Gaming, and Social Media 163</p> <p>The Source of AI Addictions 165</p> <p>Personal Triumphs over Tech Addiction 168</p> <p><b>Chapter 14 Managing Your Data Effectively and Using AI Ethically 175</b></p> <p>Managing Data the Right Way 175</p> <p>Guarding Against AI-Driven Misinformation 180</p> <p>Humanizing AI: Our Collective Responsibility 181</p> <p><b>Part V Leading IRREPLACEABLE Companies 187</b></p> <p><b>Chapter 15 Your Business Needs to Be IRREPLACEABLE 189</b></p> <p>The Issue with Businesses That Are Not IRREPLACEABLE 189</p> <p>Defining IRREPLACEABLE Businesses 192</p> <p>The Road Map to Be an IRREPLACEABLE Business 198</p> <p><b>Chapter 16 Making Your Company AI-Ready 203</b></p> <p>Augmenting Your Business with AI 203</p> <p>Fostering Trust with Responsible AI 211</p> <p>Eliminating Biases 212</p> <p>Clarifying AI Through Explainability 217</p> <p>Safeguarding Privacy 220</p> <p>Protecting Trust with Safe AI 222</p> <p><b>Chapter 17 Shifting to a Human-Ready Business 225</b></p> <p>Defining a Human-Ready Business 225</p> <p>Partnering with AI on Critical Thinking, Creativity, and Social Abilities 229</p> <p><b>Chapter 18 Making Your Business Change-Ready 237</b></p> <p>Cultivating Organizational Resilience 237</p> <p>The Path to Adaptive Mastery 240</p> <p><b>Part VI Implementing an Action Plan 249</b></p> <p><b>Chapter 19 Your Action Plan 251</b></p> <p>The First Week 251</p> <p>The First Month 252</p> <p>The First Three Months 253</p> <p>Moving Forward 254</p> <p>Summary of the Key Actions You’ve Learned in the Book 254</p> <p><b>Chapter 20 Final Words 261</b></p> <p>Notes 265</p> <p>Acknowledgments 271</p> <p>About the Author 273</p> <p>Index 275</p>
<p><B>PASCAL BORNET</B> is an award-winning expert, author, and keynote speaker on artificial intelligence (AI) and automation. Renowned for his innovative research on the human-AI frontier, over the last 20 years as a senior executive for McKinsey & Company and EY, he has helped hundreds of organizations worldwide to successfully integrate AI. His unique IRREPLACEABLE framework empowers individuals and businesses to thrive in the age of AI while retaining their deeply human essence.
<p>Praise for IRREPLACEABLE <p>“If you think AI is just about robots and algorithms, think again. <I>IRREPLACEABLE </I>will shatter your assumptions and challenge you to reimagine what it means to be human in a machine age.”<BR> <b>— Dr. Marshall Goldsmith,</b> Thinkers50 #1 Executive Coach and <i>New York Times</i> Bestselling Author of <i>The Earned Life</i>, <i>Triggers</i>, and <i>What Got You Here Won’t Get You There</i> <p>“<I>IRREPLACEABLE</I> is addressing the most important question of our time: how do we keep our humanity front and center in an AI-dominated world? I challenge you to find a book more timely and relevant!’’<BR> <b>— Klaus Schwab,</b> Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum <p>“<I>IRREPLACEABLE</I> is a vital guide to thinking differently and working confidently in tandem with AI. Pascal Bornet’s insights and strategies are essential to succeed with customers and colleagues, in your community and career.”<BR> <b>—Ron Kaufman,</b> <i>New York Times</i> Bestselling Author of <i>Uplifting Service</i> <p>“In a world obsessed with the power of AI, <I>IRREPLACEABLE </I>dares to ask the question: what makes us human? The answer may surprise you.”<BR> <b>—Dr. Luc Julia,</b> Co-Founder of Apple Siri <p>“One of the most important books of our times, Pascal Bornet’s <I>IRREPLACEABLE </I>is a must-read guide for navigating the AI revolution, empowering readers to excel personally and professionally in a technology-driven world.”<BR> <b>—Bernard Marr,</b> Futurist, Internationally Bestselling Author <p>“A very practical guide to strengthening our humanity with AI.”<BR> <b>—Nir Eyal,</b> Bestselling Author of <i>Hooked</i> and <i>Indistractable</i> <p>“Both a wake-up call and a practical guide to rediscover what makes us truly human in the age of AI.”<BR> <b>—Gerd Leonhard,</b> Futurist and Humanist <p>“I’ve always believed that AI will enhance human capabilities rather than replace them. This excellent book provides a roadmap for individuals and organizations to become effective partners with smart machines. Follow its advice, and you’ll be well-equipped for the present and the future.”<BR> <b>— Thomas H. Davenport,</b> Distinguished Professor, Babson College; Author of <i>Only Humans Need Apply</i>, <i>Working with AI</i>, and <i>All In on AI</i> <p>“<I>IRREPLACEABLE</I> challenges us to confront the ultimate dilemmas: who are we, and what is our purpose in a world transformed by AI? The answers may just change your life.”<BR> <b>—Professor Jochen Wirtz,</b> Vice Dean MBA Programmes, National University of Singapore <p>“<I>IRREPLACEABLE</I> forces us to question our future in an increasingly technologically mediated world and learn to take action!”<BR> <b>— Leonard A. Schlesinger,</b> Baker Foundation Professor, Harvard Business School
<p>“If you think AI is just about robots and algorithms, think again. <i>IRREPLACEABLE</i> will shatter your assumptions and challenge you to reimagine what it means to be human in a machine age.”<br />--<b> Dr. Marshall Goldsmith</b>, Thinkers50 #1 Executive Coach and New York Times bestselling author of <i>The Earned Life, Triggers, and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There</i></p> <p>“<i>IRREPLACEABLE</i> is addressing the most important question of our time: how do we keep our humanity front and center in an AI-dominated world? I challenge you to find a book more timely and relevant!’’<br />--<b>Klaus Schwab</b>, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum</p> <p>“<i>IRREPLACEABLE</i> is a vital guide to thinking differently and working confidently in tandem with AI. Pascal Bornet's insights and strategies are essential to succeed with customers and colleagues, in your community and career.”<br />--<b>Ron Kaufman</b>, New York Times bestselling author of Uplifting Service</p> <p>“In a world obsessed with the power of AI, 'Irreplaceable' dares to ask the question: what makes us human? The answer may surprise you.”<br />--<b>Dr Luc Julia</b>, Co-Founder of Apple Siri</p> <p>"One of the most important books of our times!”<br />--<b>Bernard Marr,</b> Futurist, Internationally Best-selling Author</p> <p>"A very practical guide to strengthening our humanity with AI."<br />--<b>Nir Eyal</b>, Bestselling Author of <i>Hooked and Indistractable</i></p> <p>“Both a wake-up call and a practical guide to rediscover what makes us truly human in the age of AI.”<br />--<b>Gerd Leonhard</b>, Futurist & Humanist</p> <p>"I’ve always believed that AI will enhance human capabilities rather than replace them. This excellent book provides a roadmap for individuals and organizations to become effective partners with smart machines. Follow its advice, and you’ll be well-equipped for the present and the future."<br />--<b>Thomas H. Davenport</b>, Distinguished Professor, Babson College. Author of <i>Only Humans Need Apply, Working with AI, and All In on AI</i></p> <p>“<i>IRREPLACEABLE</i> challenges us to confront the ultimate dilemmas: who are we, and what is our purpose in a world transformed by AI? The answers may just change your life."<br />--<b>Professor Jochen Wirtz</b>, Vice Dean MBA Programmes, National University of Singapore</p>

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