
© Confidential Concepts, Worldwide, USA

© Parkstone Press Ltd, New York, USA


© Estate Bellmer Hans / Artists Rights Society, New York, USA / ADAGP, Paris

© Estate Berthomme de Saint-André / Artists Rights Society, New York, USA / ADAGP, Paris

© Estate Domergue / Artists Rights Society, New York, USA / ADAGP, Paris

© Estate Poitevin / Artists Rights Society, New York, USA / ADAGP, Paris

© Estate Poumeyrol / Artists Rights Society, New York, USA / ADAGP, Paris

© Estate De Monceau / Artists Rights Society, New York, USA / ADAGP, Paris

© Estate Hegemann / Artists Rights Society, New York, USA / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn

© Estate Kranichfeld / Artists Rights Society, New York, USA / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn


ISBN: 978-1-78310-741-4


All rights reserved. No part of this may be reproduced or adapted without the permission of the copyright holder, throughout the world.


Unless otherwise specified, copyright on the works reproduced lies with the respective photographers. Despite intensive research, it has not always been possible to establish copyright ownership. Where this is the case, we would appreciate notification.

Hans-Jürgen Döpp




The Encyclopedia of











Erotic art or pornography?

XVIth, XVIIth Century

XVIIth Century

XIXth Century

XXth Century
