


Tuli and her three ice flowers
A magic fairy tale from the far north


About this fairy tale

“Tuli and the three ice flowers” tells the tale of a young girl from the land of the far north, where she experiences the same destiny as Cinderella. In the land of the far north ice flowers are a sign of a pure heart. Only those whose hearts are full of love can create beautiful ice flowers from their own breath.


The prince quickly falls under the spell of Tuli’s ice flowers. But, by means of a spell the wicked stepmother uses Tuli’s ice flowers to make the prince fall in love with her own daughter instead. Nevertheless, with the help of her animal friends, a shaman and her own mystical singing, Tuli is able to marry the prince in the end. An exciting, magical tale, showing that love conquers all.



1. The northern land of ice

Once upon a time there was a young girl. She lived in the far north in a village made of ice. A place where the land lay under a cold glittering carpet of snow. The mother of the girl died and so her father found a new wife. They lived with the new wife and her daughter Yukunnen in the prettiest house in the village. The little village lay in the middle of the broad Tundra in the far north. All around the snow and ice glittered, and the sky was wide. From a lookout tower you could see Thoar the mighty ice mountain standing in the middle of the frozen landscape.

It wasn’t long before the father became ill and died as well. With her father no longer alive life was not easy for the girl. Her stepmother and Yukunnen were cruel to her.

She was not allowed to live in the house anymore and had to move into a nearby ice hut and sleep on animal skins. Even Tuli’s prettiest dresses, which her mother had once embroidered with wonderful flowers, were taken away, and she was forced to work.